I feel really lucky that after that time apart we came back together as true friends. Friends who know each other so well from our years of high school bonding but who have so much to share and learn from each other now. She's one of the few people in this world who I can be 100% myself with and who gets me. Well I found out the exciting news today that I'm going to be an Aunty! I couldn't be more happy for her and look forward to spoiling this new little one like crazy!
There was a time that when I found out my friends were pregnant I would think "lost another one to the dark side" LOL but after many new babies in the circle of friends, I now know how much fun they bring. Yes it requires a lot of understanding at times that your friends aren't always as available as you'd like but there are so many special moments that you wouldn't have otherwise. Like last Sunday morning I'd been trying to get together with N and it wasn't working out. She said that she and her little guy were going to free swim if I'd like to join them. OF COURSE Aunty B would love to come! If getting in the pool and splashing around with a 2 year old is all it takes to get a little time with N then count me in! Not to mention that N is more then just a mom and I'm certain appreciates a conversation about something other then the Backyardigins from time to time :)
So embrace the big changes and little people in your life. You're missing out if you don't !
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